This is the: True Valor Story

of unpaid staff & damaged careers

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Who are we?

A group of 5 former fighters, people who helped with the event, and staff members left unpaid.

We want to expose a way of doing business that has left many people hurt and misled.

M.... M......-M...... and S.... B.... operate a company called F..... S..... G...., based in Philadelphia, and together with K.. S......., they set up a business called V.... S..... and E...........,

But there’s a darker side. Organizers of V..2 were left unpaid and saddled with high costs. Employees who worked hard to make a success out of Valor were left without pay for months (some even 8 months), and fighters were invited to participate with false promises that never materialized.


M.... M......-M......

A self-proclaimed successful businessman. But when it comes to following through on commitments, M.... doesn't pay you as agreed. It’s not just about business strategies—he’ll have you working for months under false pretenses. Whether it’s a cannabis venture, podcast, or a fight-related business, he leaves people empty-handed.

Don’t fall for it… The stories he tells you in the beginning will change along the way, and in the end, your good ideas get taken or you don’t get paid.

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Former UFC Hall of Fame fighter

K.. S.......

A real gentleman! He’s like a father to the company.

At least, until ticket sales for VBK2 go poorly… Then suddenly, there is no problem ignoring people and pointing fingers at the F..... S..... G.... within the V.... S.... I.. organization. The same happenend with the V.... S..... C..., highly promoted by K.. S....... and left many people with big loses.

But what about all the people who lost money on the Valor Sports Coin promoted by K.. S.......? Was that all out of control too? Or is there something more going on here?

More stories of holders will be added in the upcoming period.



Every person has their own story, their own loss or harm caused by working for or with Valor Sports. The damage suffered will never truly be repaid, but through this movement, we aim to let the world know that it is unjust to not pay people or to make false promises.

We have just started interviewing and questioning various individuals and have been overwhelmed by the flood of emails we’ve received. This website is still under construction, and much more will be revealed in the coming days.

Starting Januari 1st, we will unblur the images and reveal all names. Additionally, the website will be updated with the latest stories we have received.

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Passion vs Fake Promises

Fighter Careers

Days before the event, I was asked to step in and fight to save VBK2. They promised everything would be covered, but things turned out completely different.

Fighter at VBK2

I fought at the event, but there was no support, and expense reimbursements never came. Plus, BKFC told me they weren’t interested due to my choice to fight for VBK.

Fighter at VBK2

more fighters will follow

You got your own story?

Share it with us:

Help Them Out


The damage suffered will never truly be repaid, but through this movement, we aim to let the world know that it is unjust to not pay people or to make false promises.

We have just started interviewing and questioning various individuals and have been overwhelmed by the flood of emails we’ve received. This website is still under construction, and much more will be revealed in the coming days.

We aim to raise $25,000 to support those affected. Each individual will receive a portion of this amount as compensation for the damages they have suffered. Once the funds are collected, they will be carefully reviewed and distributed equally among the five individuals impacted.

0.27 $BTC - Bitcoin


8.03 $ETH - Ethereum


104 $SOL - Solana


Once the funds have been received and verified by a registered validation company,
we will distribute the funds and take down the website.

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